Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Teemu Mäki - Research with Art

In Art and Research Colliding, artist Teemu Mäki presents a strong case for art and research:   
"I am more interested in the valuable insights that art or artistic research can produce about the world and in the kinds of changes it can cause in society than in what research of art can tell me about the family tree of artistic movements, the structure of artworks, or the way some of the players in the field manage to steer the art world according to their own agendas.

"art's greatest strength is in the continuation of thinking beyond verbalisable reasoning. Especially when perceiving, testing, and creating values, this is an essential dimension, since the ability to appreciate things, the will to live, and the joy of living are mainly experiences, not conclusions of rational pondering."
"Art creates and distributes the kind of silent, tacit, or experiential knowledge and values that are only partially verbalisable. Art (and philosophy) are essential, because values cannot be derived from mere facts. In other words: from how things are we cannot directly draw any conclusions about how things should be. 
"Art is the most efficient (though not the most used) human-made method for moulding our lifeworld, and thus an excellent form of innovative and embodied moral pondering." 
Read the entire article, and see many examples of his strong artwork at

He recommends his book, A Practical Utopia, as the one that best represent his ideas and teaching:

Visit the artist's website for more images and current projects:

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